
Is it possible to get a job in Sweden without Swedish?
This is probably one of the most repeated questions amongst the international community. Not many of us would ask, “is it possible to get a

Why do people already with jobs get more job offers while I’m desperately looking for a job and I get none?
For to every one who has will more be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who has not, even what he has

Is there a way to build meaningful relationships in digital age of isolation?
Two weeks ago, in HR Happy Hour podcast the topic under discussion was, “in the digital age of Isolation, how do great leaders make connections?”. The invited

Top 10 problems HR-tech is solving for 2019
With automation on the way to reach its peak and AI rising slowly in the horizon, whatever we knew about human resources or talent management

“Skilled people don’t apply for jobs, you have to headhunt them” — Is this true?
There are some beliefs that keeps resonating within a few startup founders who’re recruiting. “Candidates who are really skilled, don’t apply for jobs” “Candidates who

Is getting a job “without referral” possible in Stockholm?
“Looks like there is no way to get a job in Stockholm without referral. I have been applying for more than 100 jobs without a